- A
- taut,
- suspenseful
- historical
- thriller
- set
- in
- the
- months
- of
- Did
- Japan
- also
- have
- an
- atomic
- weapon,
- and
- did
- America
- bomb
- Hiroshima
- and
- Nagasaki
- to
- pre-empt
- an
- attack
- on
- its
- fleet?A
- masterful
- historical
- thriller
- set
- during
- the
- waning
- months
- of
- World
- War
- II,
- The
- Second
- Sun
- poses
- a
- provocative
- question:
- Did
- Japan
- test
- an
- atomic
- weapon,
- and
- did
- America
- know
- about
- it
- in
- advance
- of
- its
- own
- decision
- to
- drop
- two
- nuclear
- bombs?March
- 1945:
- After
- a
- career
- of
- commanding
- destroyers
- in
- the
- Pacific
- theater
- of
- Captain
- Wolfe
- Bowen
- is
- based
- in
- Washington,
- DC,
- working
- for
- the
- Chief
- of
- Naval
- Operations.
- Bowen
- receives
- an
- urgent
- call
- from
- the
- commander
- of
- the
- naval
- shipyard
- in
- Portsmouth,
- New
- Hampshire:
- A
- German
- U-boat
- has
- been
- captured
- and
- brought
- to
- port.
- But
- what
- grabs
- Bowen’s
- attention
- is
- the
- presence
- of
- two
- Japanese
- civilians
- on
- board,
- along
- with
- the
- massive
- size
- of
- the
- U-boat
- itself.
- What
- these
- civilians
- know
- about
- the
- cargo
- of
- the
- U-boat,
- as
- well
- as
- its
- destination,
- begins
- a
- race
- against
- time
- that
- will
- change
- the
- course
- of
- history.When
- President
- Franklin
- Delano
- Roosevelt
- dies,
- Harry
- Truman
- ascends
- to
- office
- with
- no
- prior
- knowledge
- of
- the
- Manhattan
- Project.
- Bowen
- is
- assigned
- a
- dangerous
- mission:
- Discover
- whether
- Japan
- has
- the
- technology
- to
- produce
- an
- atomic
- weapon,
- and
- find
- out
- how
- close
- the
- desperate
- enemy
- is
- to
- deploying
- it.
- Working
- with
- a
- small
- team—including
- Captain
- Villem
- Amherst
- Van
- Rensselaer,
- part
- of
- the
- inner
- circle
- on
- the
- Manhattan
- Project,
- and
- Lieutenant
- Commander
- Janet
- Waring,
- a
- naval
- intelligence
- officer
- and
- skilled
- translator
- of
- Japanese—Bowen
- must
- report
- back
- to
- President
- Truman
- with
- the
- information
- that
- will
- transform
- the
- war—and
- the
- world.Brilliantly
- imagined
- and
- deeply
- informed
- by
- P.
- T.
- Deutermann’s
- long
- history
- as
- a
- navy
- captain,
- as
- well
- as
- his
- family’s
- service
- in
- the
- Pacific
- theater,
- The
- Second
- Sun
- is
- a
- compelling
- novel
- timed
- for
- the
- 80th
- anniversary
- of
- the
- end
- of
- World
- War II.
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