Savy's Predators


In his grotto colony, merboy Savy has the boring job of watching for predators. For excitement, Savy announces that a barracuda has entered the pond. Savy loves the see the warriors in action. But the barracuda turns out to be tiny. Next, the merboy calls the warriors to find a deadly sea snake. What the warriors find is a small eel. Each time Savy calls a warning about predators, the warriors only find tiny, non-threatening creatures. Then, one afternoon Savy discovers a greem-gita, a feared water serpent, swimming through the channel for real. When he calls for the warriors, they ignore him. The head warrior gives Savy a spear and tells the merboy that his life is no longer boring and to chase the creature out of the grotto. Savy is able to chase the monster away. He thinks he is a hero but he learns that lying has consequences.

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