Great Times with Grandkids: Enjoying Mystery Trips & More


The old adage tells us that “everyone loves a mystery”; we found that children love a mystery most of all. Anticipation for the trips was fueled by monthly clues given before the trips began and by daily clues each morning while traveling.
On the trips the, grandkids bonded not only with us, but with their cousins as well. The trips were self-planned and took place in Colorado and six other states. Guidelines follow the details of each trip.
The trips, the other unique activities, and the traditions we established over the years are fondly remembered by our grandchildren. A chapter is devoted to What the Kids Say.
This book is written by grandparents as a gift for other grandparents. We hope our stories, adventures, and guidelines will inspire others to enjoy the similar marvelous times with their own grandchildren.
Not a grandparent? Not a problem. The trips, activities and traditions described in this book can be planned and carried out by aunts, uncles, and parents, too.

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