The King of the Faeries


Not everybody believes in the little people. We have been blinded by this busy and distracting modern world. Music blares out from passing cars and unwatched televisions fill our heads with inane chat and unwanted advertisements. But, people adapt. They shut out the noises and filter their senses. to find a modicum of peace. I grew up on tales of the little people and I watched them dance in the embers. Then, like most people, I forgot that they were around. In my hurry to grow up, I left behind most of those things which make childhood magical. My creativity became a slave to commerce and I became a cog in the uncaring wheels of industry. There were reprieves of course. When I read to my own children, - I rediscovered, for a little while, the wonder and the magic of childhood. This is the gift which I wish to offer to you.

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