Trident's Forge
Reeks: Children of a Dead Earth
Patrick S. Tomlinson
- When
- humankind’s
- first
- contact
- with
- a
- strange
- alien
- species
- goes
- awry,
- detective
- and
- Ark
- hero
- Brian
- Benson
- is
- left
- to
- pick
- up
- the
- piecesAgainst
- all
- odds,
- the
- Ark
- and
- her
- thirty-thousand
- survivors
- have
- reached
- Tau
- Ceti
- G
- to
- begin
- the
- long,
- arduous
- task
- of
- rebuilding
- human
- civilization.
- Meanwhile,
- on
- the
- other
- side
- of
- the
- world,
- Tau
- Ceti
- G’s
- natives,
- the
- G’tel,
- are
- coming
- to
- grips
- with
- the
- sudden
- appearance
- of
- what
- many
- believe
- are
- their
- long-lost
- Gods.But
- first
- contact
- between
- humans
- and
- G’tel
- goes
- catastrophically
- wrong,
- visiting
- death
- on
- both
- sides.
- Rumors
- swirl
- that
- the
- massacre
- was
- no
- accident.
- The
- Ark’s
- greatest
- hero,
- Bryan
- Benson,
- takes
- on
- the
- mystery.Partnered
- with
- native
- ‘truth-digger’
- Kexx,
- and
- against
- both
- of
- their
- better
- judgment,
- Benson
- is
- thrust
- into
- the
- heart
- of
- an
- alien
- culture
- with
- no
- idea
- how
- to
- tell
- who
- wants
- to
- worship
- him
- from
- who
- wants
- him
- dead.Together,
- Benson
- and
- Kexx
- will
- have
- to
- find
- enough
- common
- ground
- and
- trust
- to
- uncover
- a
- plot
- that
- threatens
- to
- plunge
- both
- of
- their
- peoples
- into
- an
- apocalyptic
- war
- that
- neither
- side
- can
- afford
- to fight.
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