Indian Emoticons


The book is a collection of short stories, some real, some fictional, together with some articles written by the author during her travels, and already published by national and international agencies and journals.

These are travel stories, real and fictional, conveyed one after the other as flashes of different emotions, fast and easy to grasp. Tales of a complex and complete India, told through its spirituality, its diverse mix of people and cultures, the incredible beauty of its bright colors, the joy that is so present even in the midst of poverty, its love, its problems, its luxuriant nature and the relationship of its people to it, and the violence of some regions constantly tormented by internal strife. Short stories that rapidly follow each other written like "emoticons", communicating with immediacy the emotions of each experience. A taste of India, revealing the old and the new living side by side, each moment bringing to life different “emoticons”: smiling, joyful, sad, pensive, dreaming, despairing, hoping. Fleeting, invisible scenes and experiences shared with humility and respect for an incredibly rich but vastly different culture.

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