13 Short Bible Stories For Kids

13 Short Bible Stories For Kids, #2

Reeks: 13 Short Bible Stories For Kids


This is the second book in the 13 Short Bible Stories For Kids series. 13 Bible stories are told from the biblical perspective as usual and few bonus stories are added at the end. These stories are put together so that the youngest child can understand what is written. The goal of these stories is to impact others and the world. These stories emphasize various themes of literature, as well as all stories, should. The Bible though isn't just a book of stories but they are words of life. These type of stories don't just let us feel entertained and happy. No, the purpose of why biblical stories were written is to bring about change. Not just "change" but spiritual change. They were written to give us a new mind one which is robed in Christ Jesus the Lord. Another purpose they were written was to give us hope and inspiration. The experiences of our biblical heroes and characters portray that we too are no different than them. We are human just the same who trust in Almighty God for strength, development, and hope. God changed their lives so he too can change our circumstances and our lives. No problem is too big for God. The prophets of old trusted in God and they were delivered and saved. We too have this opportunity and hope.

But you may ask, "But aren't these stories irrelevant today?" The truth of the matter is that these are the stories of scripture that God himself ordained and inspired. Nothing that God does is outdated. Remember God is glorified in all things. These are the only stories that can bring about true change in the lives of people and the world.

Finally, the story is told of a boy who grew up to love science, however, when he had finished high school, his parents did not have any money to send him to college. The boy then decided to do some science experiment by himself during the time he was out. He got a clean bottle and filled it with clear water and then he added some blue coloring to the water. He noticed that the water had changed color. It was no more clear but slightly blue. Nothing he did could turn the blue colored water to something clear. Although it was not the full amount of blue coloring added, it was strong enough to infiltrate the clear and clean water in the bottle. The boy learned a science lesson that day.

And this is how it is with us, humans. No amount of goodness we do in life can cover our sins or make us clean. The truth is only the blood of Jesus Christ can make us clean. It washes us white and allows us to become whiter than snow. This is a mystery, in that, how can someone be washed in the blood and become whiter than snow. But the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us so we become righteous and without sin. It is as though we had never sinned before in our life. Remember Jesus is the Lord of heaven and earth and is called the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. This is not a physical cleansing, but a spiritual one. And that is how we are washed, cleansed, and made free in Jesus.

It does not matter what anyone tells us, or even where we may find ourselves in life. Remember that whosoever the Son (Jesus) sets free is free indeed (John 8:36).

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