The Mighty Jungle
The Mighty Jungle, #19
Reeks: The Mighty Jungle
Paul A. Lynch
- The
- last
- ice
- age
- was
- about
- 125,000
- years
- ago.125,000
- years
- ago,
- Earth
- was
- in
- an
- interglacial
- period
- similar
- to
- today's
- because
- glaciers
- were
- confined
- to
- high
- latitudes
- and
- high
- altitudes.
- However,
- over
- the
- past
- 125,000
- years,
- the
- Earth
- system
- has
- gone
- through
- an
- entire
- glacial-interglacial
- cycle,
- and
- this
- is
- only
- the
- latest
- of
- many
- cycles
- that
- have
- occurred
- over
- the
- past
- million
- years.
- The
- most
- recent
- cooling
- and
- glacial
- period
- began
- about
- 120,000
- years
- ago.
- Huge
- ice
- sheets
- formed
- and
- persisted
- over
- much
- of
- Canada
- and
- northern
- Eurasia.The
- earliest
- documented
- ice
- age,
- and
- possibly
- the
- most
- severe
- in
- the
- past
- billion
- years,
- occurred
- between
- 850
- and
- 630
- million
- years
- ago
- (the
- low
- temperature
- period),
- and
- may
- have
- produced
- a
- snowball
- Earth
- in
- which
- permanent
- ice
- covered
- The
- entire
- planet
- is
- affected
- by
- the
- accumulation
- of
- greenhouse
- gases
- such
- as
- carbon
- dioxide
- produced
- by
- volcanoes.
- "The
- presence
- of
- ice
- on
- continents
- and
- floating
- ice
- in
- oceans
- inhibits
- silicate
- weathering
- and
- photosynthesis,
- the
- two
- major
- sinks
- for
- carbon
- dioxide
- today."
- The
- reason
- for
- the
- outbreak
- of
- Ji
- Da,
- although
- this
- theory
- is
- new
- and controversial.
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