A Most Un-Islamic Islamic State
Paul D Kennedy
- The
- self-styled
- Islamic
- State
- (IS),
- formerly
- known
- as
- which
- claims
- to
- have
- established
- a
- new
- caliphate
- in
- the
- parts
- of
- Syria
- and
- Iraq
- it
- has
- conquered,
- is
- renowned
- for
- its
- barbarism,
- cruelty
- and
- medieval
- world-view.Yet
- the
- Islamic
- State
- claims
- that
- it
- is
- acting
- in
- the
- name
- of
- Islam
- and
- that
- it
- obeys
- the
- Shariah
- (Laws
- of
- God
- as
- understood
- by
- Muslims)
- in
- everything
- it
- does.Nothing
- could
- be
- further
- from
- the
- truth.
- The
- Islamic
- State
- is
- a
- fake,
- its
- leaders
- a
- bunch
- of
- apostates
- who
- propagate
- a
- twisted
- and
- self-serving
- form
- of
- Islam.Virtually
- everything
- that
- the
- Islamic
- State
- does
- contravenes
- the
- Islamic
- laws
- it
- claims
- to
- promote.
- Its
- brutally
- ruthless
- methods
- of
- warfare
- clearly
- breach
- the
- rules
- of
- war
- laid
- down
- by
- the
- Prophet
- Mohammed
- (PBUH)
- 1,400
- years
- ago,
- its
- treatment
- of
- women
- is
- a
- return
- to
- the
- barbarism
- of
- pagan
- times,
- and
- its
- imposition
- of
- the
- Shariah
- by
- force
- denies
- mankind's
- God-given
- right
- to
- freedom
- of
- will.In
- this
- short
- book,
- Paul
- Kennedy
- explains
- clearly
- the
- fundamental
- doctrines
- of
- Islam
- relating
- to
- personal,
- social,
- economic
- and
- political
- life,
- and
- how
- the
- Islamic
- State
- is
- breaking
- all
- the
- rules
- it
- pretends
- to
- hold dear.