Second Chance Series 2: Awakening
Reeks: Second Chance
Paul Green
- Dreams.
- What
- is
- real
- and
- what
- isn't?
- And
- what
- would
- you
- do
- if
- you
- found
- out
- your
- life
- never
- really
- happened?
- Find
- out
- in
- this
- haunting
- and
- beautiful
- story,
- as
- the
- companions
- return
- for
- another
- adventure
- full
- of
- wonder
- and
- surprise.
- Along
- with
- a
- new
- evil
- and
- the
- introduction
- of
- some
- fascinating
- new
- characters,
- return
- once
- again
- to
- the
- world
- of
- the
- Second Chance.