Decisive Darkness: Part One - Majestic
Decisive Darkness, #1
Reeks: Decisive Darkness
Paul Hynes
- In
- August
- 1945,
- Japan
- was
- hit
- with
- two
- nuclear
- weapons.
- This,
- along
- with
- the
- Soviet
- invasion
- of
- Manchuria,
- caused
- the
- government
- to
- surrender.What
- if
- it
- had
- not?Paul
- Hynes
- imagines
- a
- world
- in
- which
- a
- fanatical
- junta
- takes
- over
- Japan
- and
- pledges
- a
- fight
- to
- the
- bitter
- end.
- Using
- real-world
- plans
- relating
- to
- the
- invasion
- of
- the
- Home
- Islands,
- along
- with
- an
- extensive
- knowledge
- of
- American,
- British,
- Soviet
- and
- Japanese
- attitudes
- and
- capabilities
- at
- the
- time,
- Hynes
- crafts
- a
- story
- of
- harrowing
- losses,
- desperate
- measures,
- and
- unspeakable
- horror
- for
- the
- civilian population.