The uncertain: that is a rather accurate description of the Willow Tree and the stories in the neighboring pages of this book. Life stories proceeding as normal as anybody's, with a sudden change, sometimes simply not anticipated, in other instances obvious to a bystander but unforeseen by the affected individual. The cause-effect relation of said incidents is, often, purely accidental, but there are also human machinations involved. As for the outcome, a small dent on the porcelain figurine or an irreparable crack may be the highly improbable but absolutely possible one.
We take life for granted. Yes, I know that not all of us do. There are people that have carefully tailored their lives but, even there, have they entirely sealed against fate?
"Belief in fate is for the weak and unprepared," some might argue. The fact is that we do not live alone, that we are immersed in a society and in a natural environment that we cannot control, that we cannot fully harness. Chance has something to say, at times it pronounces our final words.
"I leave nothing to chance," someone will wrongly state. In fact, our plans for a perfect life could be in the collision course with another perfect life with and equivalent perfect plan, what then?
Circumstances, nature and other people are there to swivel our lives. For every happening there is a concourse of events taking place leading to that startling turn. This book is a proof, in every tale, of the multiple causes leading to a result that is impossible to dodge.
Each and every mind-gripping story leads you to the unexpected. Refrain to read it on the subway, for you will miss your station.