Before de F.I.F.A. Brazilian world cup in 2014, at the time of the G.L.T. (Goal Line Technology) the law described here was presented to them. They didn´t like it or simply were not interested.
Years after they are nearing it, but wrongly. The VAR stops, stalls the game. The VAR allows the player to go unpunished for striking or spitting on an opponent unseen by the referee. Some still succeed in feigning a foul in the penalty area. Some others still feign an injury to delay the game, cool off the geared and warmed up opposing team or, even better, to get a player expelled from the game. How about all of that?
F.I.F.A. claims to be interested in fair play, however they are more interested in business, thus the promotion of fair play is far from its assurance. We need to enforce fair play, to make it part of the game’s DNA. There is a tool, without sophisticated technology, ready to solve all of the above. It does not slash the game. It’s simple, versatile: the 18th law.
Read along and learn the rule that F.I.F.A. is closing in. Perhaps someday will fully adopt it for the good of fair play. It is maybe not everyone is into fair play?