A Case for Young-Earth Creationism
A Zondervan Digital Short
Paul Nelson ; John Mark Reynolds
- Derived
- from
- Three
- Views
- on
- Creation
- and
- Evolution,
- this
- digital
- short
- provides
- a
- vivid
- defense
- for
- the
- view
- that
- God
- created
- the
- world
- relatively
- recently
- and
- in
- six
- days.
- Critical
- of
- current
- scientific
- consensuses,
- though
- not
- abrasively
- so,
- the
- authors
- present
- biblical,
- philosophical,
- and
- scientific
- supports
- for
- their
- perspective.
- Their
- clear
- argumentation
- makes
- this
- one
- of
- the
- best
- presentations
- of
- a
- historic
- if
- recently
- maligned
- viewpoint,
- one
- that
- will
- be
- useful
- to
- proponents
- and
- opponents alike.