Animaia - Magical Realism in a World of Animals


Genre, situation, history

Animaia is young adult fantasy and sci-fi with mild paranormal elements hinting at magical realism. In sub-genre terms, Animaia is "alternate history," Animaia the country having evolved as a large island mass south of the Earth Equator. This book is a complete story.

Animaia is a modern, high-tech country that has developed a unique relationship with its wild animals in parallel with the ancient ability of a gifted few percent of the population to communicate with animals telepathically. The 'animal talkers' are called the Anima.

One hundred and eighteen years ago, a civil war called the Great Animal War of Liberation ravaged the country, and from this, a new constitution and Bill of Animal Rights emerged. However, elements in the society, called 'fleshers,' are determined to return to the old ways.

The legend of the Truemore sits atop the belief system of Animaia, many believing the Truemore is destined to return to help the country at times of great peril. The main character, Arno Steele, is considered by some to be the returning Truemore, much to Arno's angst. The head flesher, Zacharias Carnivale, is conspiring to overthrow the Animaian regime with the help of a neighbouring enemy, the country of Falazkia. Killing Arno Steele is high on Carnivale's agenda as he believes it is his spiritual destiny to prevent the Truemore from emerging, and to shape the country according to his own blood-thirsty beliefs.

Arno Steele and his Anima friends from junior school, Ashley, Charlotte, and Leroy commence senior school at the legendary Anima school, the Dolotty Institute of Primal Intelligence (DIPI), from which all the action and intrigue emanates. Arno eventually faces his nemesis when Carnivale captures Arno at school jungle camp and attempts to sacrifice him to thwart the return of the legendary Truemore, and in service of his bloodthirsty cult, the Humanu Dol.

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