Without warning a virulent manmade disease has unleashed a biblical terror on the World. The United Kingdom is hit particularly hard leaving few places to hide in an overcrowded country.
Nine months later the ghouls outnumber the living. Survivors live an endless toil of searching for food and protecting the living. Some organisation exists, but is collapsing. Jack leads a trio of men hated by the rest of the survivors. Their Job is to protect the integrity of the safe haven by preventing the infection from ever entering.
On a reconnaissance trip they come across a woman and her two children. Jack, the leader comes to the realization that children are the key to the survival of the human race. He shifts his allegiance from slaughtering the infected to getting the kids to a possible safe zone.
Jack's inquiring mind leads him back to the destroyed haven where he finds the information he needs to get his charges to safety. He manages to put the girls and their mother on the right heading to a new life.