Crisis for a Purpose

For a Purpose, #2

Reeks: For a Purpose


God had promised Abraham a son through whom the world would be blessed.How could He now ask Abraham to sacrifice him on an altar? Could Abraham risk following God's direction and still believe in God's promised purpose for his son, Isaac?
Through reasons unknown to him, righteous Job's possessions and his children were taken from him. Then Job became ill. His body was covered with painful sores. Would Job maintain his faith in a faithful God or would he curse God and die as his wife suggested?
God told Jeremiah to warn his people that they would be conquered and taken captive because of their disobedience. No one listened. When Jeremiah's prophecy came true, did Jeremiah wonder if he had done all God called him to do to prevent the tragedy?
How could Peter be Jesus' most enthusiastic disciple and then deny he even knew Him when the chips were down? Jesus was crucified and buried. Peter felt his life was over, too, but three days later, the risen Jesus met Peter face to face. This is the story for all who need a second chance.

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