"...Peter decided to tackle the job of a 'House Husband', and found it to be a truly daunting role. Rather than admit defeat, Peter rises to the challenge and makes more than a success of his new home life. Fortunately for others out there, he also decided to put together this 'manual' of pithy thoughts, common sense and self-help. The House Husbands' Handbook is easy to read (with a very readable layout), earnest, and packed with relevant information for any dad changing from paid work to equally challenging stay-at-home work. Recommended reading." - Jeremy Fenton - Word on books.
"When I began this role in supporting my partner’s employment, managing our home, and being the primary carer for our young children, I faced many unexpected challenges. I decided to document my journey to assist other dads, and also to give women valuable insights into the world of a 'Stay-at-Home Dad'. I have discovered that there are unique attributes a man can bring to full time parenting. It was my experience that 'switching roles' with my better half improved my relationships with my children and my partner. I trust that you will benefit from reading about my journey, the lessons I learned, how I learned them, and importantly, enjoy a bit of humour along the way." - Peter Willems - Author of 'The House Husbands' Handbook'.