God"s Eye


Stop hating yourself and the people around you because of the situations that you found yourself.

don't allow what you cannot have or change at the moment to keep you depressed and hinders you from experiencing happiness within and without.

Delay is not a denial, every of our wishes will be granted by heaven at the appropriate time.

Our inabilities in some ways should never deter us from trying our utmost best to fulfill our inner satisfaction.

When we are lifted up in Zion, the praise of His Majesty will continually remain on our lips.

Speak kindly with your brethrens because some don't even have the gift of words like you.

Appreciate whatever that God have set before you to eat, somebody somewhere is in hunger with no hope on sight of any food to eat right now as you read this words.

Pray for your partner to become the better version of yourself, don't allow demons to use divide and conquered mentality against each other.

Remember many of your friends and relative have departed the world; appreciate the fact that you and your spouse still have each other.

Father God we bless you for the gift of life that you provided to us through our children, thank you father for shelter over our head, shoes on our feet, and clothes on our back.

Thank you merciful father for the career that you gave to us, we are grateful to work in the field of our chosen, temporary or permanently. Help us oh Lord to be understanding with our families and friends.

Now and forever, so help us Father God.

Phaya Brands Ochelebe

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