I am Prayers & Meditations

5, #3

Reeks: 5


Welcome to the collections of inspirational stories, counsels, quotes, poems, prayers and songs.

For several years gone by, I read searching and gathering inspirational wisdom and knowledge from other scholars around the world, which I am very excited to share my many years of findings under the sun with you.

This manuscript will re-make you into a greater version of yourself as you indulge in it always.

Take on the mantle of leadership and stand up to responsibilities of your calling without wavering.

You can study others to learn, but you must have to carve out your own originality, let your own voice ring through achieving your desires.

Fit into the system perfectly, but do outstanding jobs to become on-demand for the system to operate automatically because of your extra effort.Take a critical look around you and tell yourself what you see, you can only see and interpret the prospect or lack of one in your environment base on your years of experience and mental conditioning, use your situation to plan the result you conceive in your mind.

Don't fear to try anything once, fear can make big opportunity to pass you by while you are thinking it's too risky, someone somewhere is doing it without any qualms. Persistence is the name of the game before a long breakthrough will submerge you in every area of your life.Be yourself, be courageous when you get to find out that it was some relatives who are the ones behind your nightmares, they may be the green snakes in the green grass playing underground trying their best to discourage you from achieving your heart desires.Father God the controller of the universe that know how people's minds work and function at its lows and high peak performances. Awakens within us the perseverance to overcome every obstacle on our ways, help us to proceed again oh Most High, let our purpose be established within us from henceforth.

It is my earnest wish one day to see our school teachers wake up to the realization of the amazing potential opportunities they have on their hands when school teachers worldwide start programming children to focus their energy on developing ideas that will help humanity progress. We will see the world change instantly.

Phaya Brands Ochelebe

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