Leaders Academy


At this moment of re-evaluating our life accomplishment, we begin to separate liabilities from asserts, looking inward in search of expectations that we wish to attain and aligned long and short time goals that we set for ourselves.

Every one of us dreamed about the things we wish to achieve in life, our vast mind is always pre-occupy with the process to reach our desired end. We want to use this presentation to rewind the tape, let us play it back ward. Like VCR movies of old time.

At times we are challenged by un-foreseen fears and confusions. This situation that we found our self creates a vacuum of destabilization in our mental faculty.

Some segment of us in the society is able to break out of the rat race, escape the matrix of life, and start thinking outside the box. We are then able to Interprets events with a glass half full mentality.

In order to acquire the ability to escape the matrix of life is a whole new life experience that requires us to know how to prioritize our activities outside the matrix.

We are mandated to have unveiling access to a knower that live outside the matrix stratosphere, this eternal Reigner will guide your tour and your inner mind to show you where potholes and speed breakers are located en route to your destination.

All life pursuit lead us to discover that we are created with the capacity of the creator to create other amazing wonders in this life, We became convincingly aware of this truth early in our tender age, how even as time passed and events toss us from date to date and time fritter away like the vapor of water on fire, we forgot of good past wishes, we lost our psychic third eyes to blindness of worldly pursuit of material acquisition.

Our entire quest in life is looking for those once travelled pathways that will lead us to the garden of creations where peace and abundance exist in the presence of unison with all being including the Creator.

pro-mbooks3 : libris