Success Confession

First Series

Reeks: First Series


Success Confession is the most important mind-reprogramming book ever written. Phaya Brands Ochelebe had personally affirmed many things that miraculously emerged from the shadows of wishes to manifesting reality. The scripture indicated that our world and every thing in it came into existence by a spoken word. The gigantic walls of Jericho crumbled down with songs of affirmation.

Have you ever thought about someone that you had not seen for a long time and suddenly in a short period, you encountered the person? Have you ever casually lied about been involved in a car accident when you are late to appointment. After the appointment, you actually got involved in a real accident.

The author researched several theories of mind power and words to find out what turn words into magnetic force that helped the mind to germinate any seed that was planted in it.

Success Confession was written with our readers in mind. It is a tool to accelerate the achievement of any of our heart desires. This book will reprogram new knowledge into our subconscious mind.

This book will equip you to succeed where other people failed or are struggling to make ends meet. The material will give you edge over everyone else not following the important spiritual principles.

Follow the laid out principle in the book to find success in everything that you laid your hands to do.

Success Confession edition is complete and unabridged!

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