The Forgiveness Solution
The Whole-Body RX for Finding True Happiness, Abundant Love, and Inner Peace
Philip H. Friedman, PhD
- “An
- inspiring
- and
- practical
- guide
- that
- assists
- individuals
- on
- working
- through
- the
- rigorous
- task
- of
- releasing
- even
- the
- darkest
- of
- emotions.”
- —Caroline
- Myss,
- New
- York
- Times-bestselling
- authorThe
- Forgiveness
- Solution
- is
- an
- interpersonal
- guide
- that
- will
- teach
- you
- to
- find
- joy
- and
- happiness
- in
- the
- journey
- of
- forgiveness.
- Rediscover
- who
- you
- are
- and
- transform
- into
- the
- best
- version
- of
- yourself
- through
- this
- simple
- yet
- profound
- process.Unforgiveness
- includes
- grievances,
- judgments,
- and
- attack
- thoughts
- towards
- others,
- ourselves,
- and
- our
- circumstances.
- The
- Forgiveness
- Solution
- is
- an
- easy
- to
- learn,
- practical
- and
- integrative
- process
- whereby
- you
- learn
- to
- shift
- and
- release
- your
- perceptions,
- attitudes,
- images,
- energy,
- and
- distressing
- feelings
- (anger,
- guilt,
- hurt,
- shame,
- anxiety,
- panic,
- trauma,
- etc.)
- and
- simultaneously
- re-empower
- yourself
- by
- choosing
- and
- deciding
- to
- forgive.Dr.
- Friedman
- introduces
- you
- to
- the
- new,
- highly
- effective
- healing
- techniques
- of
- Transformational
- Forgiveness
- and
- Energetic
- Forgiveness.
- Packed
- within
- this
- book
- are
- powerful
- exercises,
- tools,
- and
- techniques
- that
- show
- you
- exactly
- how
- to
- forgive
- rather
- than
- just
- talking
- about
- forgiveness.The
- Forgiveness
- Solution
- shows
- you
- how
- to:“A
- comprehensive
- and
- powerful
- book
- that
- teaches
- hurt
- people
- to
- recover
- their
- center
- and
- let
- go
- of
- painful
- wounds
- and
- grievances.”
- —Dr.
- Fred
- Luskin,
- author
- of
- Forgive
- for
- Good“A
- wealth
- of
- forgiveness
- techniques
- and
- processes
- that
- skillfully
- blends
- science,
- spirituality,
- and
- clinical
- practice
- into
- a
- seamless
- garment
- of
- love,
- peace,
- strength,
- and
- resilience.”
- —Colin
- Tipping,
- author
- of
- Radical Forgiveness
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