Life is a sexually-transmitted, fatal disease. Yes, it's a serious matter, this life thing, and it's not to be taken flippantly. As my son, Cain, wrote in his maths book when he was seven years old: "Be serious or else you'll die."
Let's be honest about it -- we're all going to die, cease to be, expire, kark it, decease, curl up our toes, naff off, go walkies on cloud nine, be drinking at the Harp and Cloud, have one last fart, shuffle from this mortal coil, meet our maker or drop our toga. However we express it, we're all going to die and we can choose any age and a variety of ways to do it. I'm being really blunt here as it seems that many people are really not getting the message that no matter what we do with this life thing, we're going to die anyway. And when we die, the world will keep spinning, people will continue to pick their noses, fart, make love, make war, hold hands, bicker, smile, buy lotto tickets and whinge at the government. Sorry, but LIFE WILL GO ON WITHOUT YOU.
So, in the meantime, let's do this life thing with a bit of style, panache and humour. After all, what's the alternative?
Life and spirituality are supposed to be about being light and joyful but Philip saw that most spiritual magazines were earnest and lacking humour. Deciding to make a change, he nagged the editor of a local spiritual magazine - a phone call, visit or an email every month for a year - to include more articles with humour and controversy. She eventually caved in to his persistence and his first article prompted more letters to the editor than all previous articles and so he was asked to continue.
Philip has now written for magazines in many countries and he cares not that you think like him - his abiding desire is that you think ... his articles may prompt you to do that.