POPULAR DEMOCRACY. This is the third in a series of texts on government and politics designed for students and the general reader (see author's other publications for a full list of titles). This book continues the series with an in-depth examination of majoritarian democracy and its central, core tenet - the 'sovereignty of the people' and all that that implies for political structures, processes and priorities. The text opens with a clear statement of Aims and Learning Outcomes to give clarity and direction to your reading. The subsequent text is then divided into easy-to-read sections on:
Democracy and liberty
One person, one vote, one value
Democracy and voter participation
Democracy and technology
Direct and representative democracy
Maximalist and minimalist views of democracy
Electoral systems
Who represents whom?
It concludes with:
Democracy – concepts and principles: a summary
Review questions
The material is carefully designed to equip the reader with a basic political vocabulary, an appreciation of the significance of politics as an important, pervasive and irreplaceable activity involving us all and a comprehensive understanding of the structures, principles and processes of popular, majoritarian democracy.