A Wicked Company
The Forgotten Radicalism of the European Enlightenment
Philipp Blom
- The
- flourishing
- of
- radical
- philosophy
- in
- Baron
- Thierry
- Holbach's
- Paris
- salon
- from
- the
- 1750s
- to
- the
- 1770s
- stands
- as
- a
- seminal
- event
- in
- Western
- history.
- Holbach's
- house
- was
- an
- international
- epicenter
- of
- revolutionary
- ideas
- and
- intellectual
- daring,
- bringing
- together
- such
- original
- minds
- as
- Denis
- Diderot,
- Laurence
- Sterne,
- David
- Hume,
- Adam
- Smith,
- Ferdinando
- Galiani,
- Horace
- Walpole,
- Benjamin
- Franklin,
- Guillaume
- Raynal,
- and
- Jean-Jacques
- Rousseau.In
- A
- Wicked
- Company,
- acclaimed
- historian
- Philipp
- Blom
- retraces
- the
- fortunes
- of
- this
- exceptional
- group
- of
- friends.
- All
- brilliant
- minds,
- full
- of
- wit,
- courage,
- and
- insight,
- their
- thinking
- created
- a
- different
- and
- radical
- French
- Enlightenment
- based
- on
- atheism,
- passion,
- reason,
- and
- truly
- humanist
- thinking.
- A
- startlingly
- relevant
- work
- of
- narrative
- history,
- A
- Wicked
- Company
- forces
- us
- to
- confront
- with
- new
- eyes
- the
- foundational
- debates
- about
- modern
- society
- and
- its future.
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