Stations of the Cross (Habsberg)

Reeks: Stations of the Cross


It's an ancient tradition among the Christians, especially in Catholic and Anglican domains, to celebrate the Stations of the Cross, also Way of the Cross or simply The Cross especially in the Holy Week and the Good Friday.

If You search in the internet for these terms (Google, Wikipedia etc.), You'll read that there are some differences within this celebrations. In this ebook You can view a Stations of the Cross with 14 stations, as shown in Habsberg. Shown are the isolated copper plates with engraved scenes in a modern style with the descriptions of the scenes in English, French and German.

These copper plates were elaborated in the early 1970's by Hans Haimerl (1922-1999), an artist from Amberg. The columns originally stood in Lutzmannstein. In the early 1950's they were moved to Habsberg. The stairs up to the hill were built in the early 1970's and the columns were finally erected along them (with the new pictures).

The stations change between left and right handed side of the way.

Habsberg is a community part of Velburg in the administrative district Neumarkt in the Oberpfalz. The way up to the pilgrimage church there is this Stations of the Cross.

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