Discover Your Unique Potential
Prakash Bhide
- you
- feeling
- frustrated,
- stagnated,
- or
- dejected
- in
- your
- career
- or
- life?
- Are
- you
- feeling
- confused
- about
- which
- career
- to
- choose?
- Are
- you
- facing
- a
- job
- loss
- or
- a
- mid-career
- crisis?
- Are
- you
- bored
- and
- lonely
- after
- retirement?Do
- you
- want
- to
- accelerate
- your
- career
- graph?
- Do
- you
- want
- to
- achieve
- outstanding
- success?
- Do
- you
- want
- to
- be
- happier
- and
- more
- fulfilled
- in
- your
- career
- and
- life?Do
- not
- worry.
- "Discover
- Your
- Unique
- Potential'
- is
- a
- practical
- and
- proven
- guidebook
- that
- will
- help
- you
- find
- the
- path
- to
- a
- successful
- career
- and
- fulfillment.
- guidebook
- is
- based
- on
- research
- in
- psychology,
- behavioral
- science,
- neuroscience,
- and
- spirituality.
- It
- provides
- you
- with
- practical
- and
- proven
- tools,
- strategies,
- success
- stories,
- and
- exercises.
- These
- will
- help
- you
- to
- identify
- your
- passions,
- core
- values,
- talents,
- strengths,
- purpose,
- and
- The
- guidebook
- will
- be
- your
- lifelong
- companion.In
- this
- fast-changing
- '
- world
- (
- Volatile,
- Uncertain,
- Complex,
- Ambiguous
- ),
- where
- people
- are
- likely
- to
- change
- 3
- to
- 7
- jobs
- in
- their
- lifetime
- or
- transition
- to
- entirely
- new
- career
- paths,
- this
- book
- is
- the
- best
- defense
- in
- your
- hand
- and
- your
- lifelong
- mentor.Once
- you
- 'Know
- Yourself
- Deeply
- and
- Honestly'
- the
- simple
- 5-Step
- Model
- will
- help
- you
- to
- unleash
- and
- script
- the
- unique
- and
- powerful
- story
- of
- your
- own
- life
- and
- live
- it
- successfully.This
- book
- will
- be
- your
- trusted
- companion
- throughout
- your
- life,
- whether
- you
- are
- 20,
- 40
- 60,
- or
- 80
- years.
- It
- will
- help
- all,
- High
- School
- and
- College
- Students,
- Corporate
- Executives,
- Homemakers,
- Housewives,
- Sportsmen,
- Musicians,
- Artists,
- School
- Teachers
- and
- Professors,
- Scientists,
- and
- in
- fact,
- all
- who
- want
- to
- have
- successful
- careers,
- and
- fulfilled,
- and
- happy
- life.Do
- not
- wait
- any
- longer.
- the
- book
- and
- begin
- your
- exciting
- journey.
- An
- ideal
- gift
- for
- your
- family
- and
- loved ones.