Classic Topics on the History of Modern Mathematical Statistics
From Laplace to More Recent Times
Prakash Gorroochurn
- "There
- is
- nothing
- like
- it
- on
- the
- others
- are
- as
- encyclopedic...the
- writing
- is
- exemplary:
- simple,
- direct,
- and
- competent."
- W.
- Cobb,
- Professor
- Emeritus
- of
- Mathematics
- and
- Statistics,
- Mount
- Holyoke
- CollegeWritten
- in
- a
- direct
- and
- clear
- manner,
- Classic
- Topics
- on
- the
- History
- of
- Modern
- Mathematical
- Statistics:
- From
- Laplace
- to
- More
- Recent
- Times
- presents
- a
- comprehensive
- guide
- to
- the
- history
- of
- mathematical
- statistics
- and
- details
- the
- major
- results
- and
- crucial
- developments
- over
- a
- 200-year
- period.
- Presented
- in
- chronological
- order,
- the
- book
- features
- an
- account
- of
- the
- classical
- and
- modern
- works
- that
- are
- essential
- to
- understanding
- the
- applications
- of
- mathematical
- statistics.Divided
- into
- three
- parts,
- the
- book
- begins
- with
- extensive
- coverage
- of
- the
- probabilistic
- works
- of
- Laplace,
- who
- laid
- much
- of
- the
- foundations
- of
- later
- developments
- in
- statistical
- theory.
- Subsequently,
- the
- second
- part
- introduces
- 20th
- century
- statistical
- developments
- including
- work
- from
- Karl
- Pearson,
- Student,
- Fisher,
- and
- Neyman.
- Lastly,
- the
- author
- addresses
- post-Fisherian
- developments.
- Classic
- Topics
- on
- the
- History
- of
- Modern
- Mathematical
- Statistics:
- From
- Laplace
- to
- More
- Recent
- Times
- also
- features:Classic
- Topics
- on
- the
- History
- of
- Modern
- Mathematical
- Statistics:
- From
- Laplace
- to
- More
- Recent
- Times
- is
- an
- excellent
- reference
- for
- academicians
- with
- a
- mathematical
- background
- who
- are
- teaching
- or
- studying
- the
- history
- or
- philosophical
- controversies
- of
- mathematics
- and
- statistics.
- The
- book
- is
- also
- a
- useful
- guide
- for
- readers
- with
- a
- general
- interest
- in
- statistical inference.