The Mahatma on Celluloid
A Cinematic Biography
Prakash Magdum
- Mahatma
- Gandhi
- remains
- one
- of
- the
- most
- photographed
- and
- filmed
- persons
- in
- the
- world.
- The
- camera
- loved
- him,
- and
- followed
- him
- like
- a
- shadow
- throughout
- his
- life.
- Yet,
- despite
- being
- a
- public
- communicator
- par
- excellence,
- Gandhi
- chose
- not
- to
- use
- the
- then
- newest
- form
- of
- art-cinema.
- He
- was
- steadfast
- in
- his
- belief
- that
- it
- was
- a
- bad
- influence.From
- A.K.
- Chettiar's
- Mahatma
- Gandhi:
- Twentieth-Century
- Prophet
- to
- Attenborough's
- Gandhi,
- The
- Mahatma
- on
- Celluloid
- unravels
- many
- unknown
- facts
- about
- the
- newsreels,
- documentaries
- and
- films
- made
- on
- Gandhi.
- Based
- on
- extensive
- research,
- the
- book
- also
- includes
- excerpts
- and
- anecdotes
- from
- interviews
- with
- filmmakers
- like
- Rajkumar
- Hirani,
- Vidhu
- Vinod
- Chopra,
- Naseeruddin
- Shah,
- Jahnu
- Barua,
- Feroz
- Abbas
- Khan
- and
- Girish
- Kasarvalli
- who
- share
- their
- insights
- on
- the
- Mahatma's
- enduring
- tryst
- with cinema.
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