Library of Magick: Summon Your Inner Magic Wand is an occult discussion that teaches how you can summon the so-called inner magic wand. The inner magic wand is the wand of power. After all, the magic wand symbolizes the true power of a magus. According to ancient alchemical teachings, everyone has an inner magic wand that lies within them. In order to exercise real and great magical powers, it is the job of a magus to awaken their inner magic wand.
Although this magic wand is present in everyone, it is usually dormant or inactive. By learning to stimulate this inner power, you can soon awaken it and use it for whatever purpose that you desire. It is said that the power of one's magic depends on the power of the one who wields the forces of magic. Indeed, this is a true and wise saying coming from the ancients. But, the question here is: how do you awaken this inner power?
The practice of magick is known for creating changes; however, for any change to take place, there must be an exercise of power. Nothing in the universe happens by chance, but everything unfolds in accordance with a power that creates or causes it. A true practitioner of magic has to realize that all forms of manifestations happen on the quantum level -- and this is the level of energy.
Within every man, there is great power. However, this inner power often lies dormant, and many people are not even aware of it. But, to the learned, it is a source of great power because it is a source of infinite energy.
Library of Magick: Summon Your Inner Magic Wand gives the foundation, the blueprint that you need to awaken this innate inner power that has been hiding within you. By activating this magical power, you can wield more magic, including various powerful magic. It is the key that you need to unlock your hidden magical potentials and finally allow you to enjoy a true and genuine magical life.
Stop looking for power outside of you because everything that you need is already within you. There is a saying that goes like this: That which you seek is seeking you. The inner magic wand is already with you -- inside you. Stop searching for it somewhere far away. You just have to look within, and it shall certainly reveal itself to you.
This book is a journey to self-realization and empowerment. Behold the power of magic; behold the power of your inner magic wand.