Dimensions and Stages of Spiritual Development


Human beings are intrinsically spiritual by nature and yet spirituality is extremely elusive. It seems to mean different things to different people. In this book spirituality refers to “your personal and intimate relationship with God.” The focus of this book is on how your personal walk with God could be enhanced. Have you ever wished to enjoy a vibrant, intimate and progressive relationship with God? If you have, this is the book to read. If you have wished, as a group or church, to have a book that could help you on spirituality, this book could most certainly help you. It defines what biblical Christian spirituality entails and how it can be sustained and, even more importantly, how it can be developed. Our standard is Christ and this book teaches us how to be more and more like Jesus. This book will help you to become more and more like Jesus.

Prof. P V Ntintili is committed to helping the Church to be what it was meant to be. He believes that discipleship is a means to that end. He is, therefore, deeply committed to discipleship work and in raising disciples for Christ. His upcoming book will focus on discipleship. He is also committed to leadership training. Should you wish to invite him to speak on any topic, his contact details are:

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