Introducing Biblical Discipleship


We are familiar with concepts such as mentorship, coaching, and spiritual oversight and these are good concepts. Discipleship encapsulates all of them and goes beyond all of them put together. Objective people will agree that Jesus Christ was the best Mentor and Coach that ever lived; He was a Mentor par excellence. Yet the term He used for His mentorship programme was “Discipleship.” He produced some of the most outstanding leaders in history and some of them came from the most disadvantaged backgrounds and yet that did not deter them from scaling the highest heights that no one ever imagined. In this volume, His brand of discipleship is introduced. If you truly desire to be as great as these men became, you will carefully and prayerfully read this book. If you are in discipleship already and you pray and wish that it will not be prostituted and bastardized, you will want to read this book. If you desire to impact your generation and to leave behind a legacy that will never be eclipsed, you will have to read this book. There is a second volume that will follow soon. To have a rounded view of discipleship, you will need to read it also. May your innate potential fully come out and bless all those who were meant to benefit from your life!

About the Author

Professor Vuyani P. Ntintili lives in Mthatha, Eastern Cape, South Africa. He has been engaged in structured and biblical discipleship for the past twenty years. If you desire for him to disciple you, you can contact him. He is also committed to leadership development; particularly of young people. He ministers to churches and has a programme of training ministers. You may invite him and make use of his services, if you are so led by God. He has three grown up children and lives with his wife, Felicia.

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