Maximize Your Impact


This book argues that all people are born with an innate capacity to perform extraordinarily in at least one area of life. This inborn capability is a divine endowment for which each individual is accountable to the Giver. Failure to excel in whatever one does, is an indictment to one’s Maker and an irrecoverable waste of rare resources. Readers are exhorted to discover, develop, deploy and maximise their potential while it could still make a difference in other people’s lives. It focuses particularly on the notion of spiritual revival and urges Christians to maximise their potential for revival. This is an urgent call!

About the Author

Professor Vuyani P. Ntintili is committed to the empowerment of Christians and to equipping them to take their rightful stand in society. He does this through teaching and holding seminars, workshops and conferences. He works for the whole Body of Christ (the Church) and also conducts clergy seminars or clergy schools which are meant to equip ministers/pastors to be effective in their pastoral work. He is deeply committed to discipleship and leadership development in the Body of Christ. He mobilizes churches for revival in the nations. Professor Ntintili believes strongly that Christian professionals have not tapped their God-given potential and thus are not contesting the highly contested arena of academia. That is why their voices are deafeningly quiet in society. He does not peddle the Gospel of Christ and he strongly believes in Matt. 10:8 which says, “Freely you have received, freely give.”

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