Golden Rules of Money Making: 20 Powerful Ways to Leverage and Gain a Competitive Edge for Life Success


The original copy of "The Art of Money Making" or the "Golden Rules of Money Making" was written by PT Barnum in 1880. After more than 136 years, this book is now completely revised and updated for modern readers in the 21st century.
Dr. Vivian W. Lee has added new Foreword, Introduction and Epilogue, guiding readers like you to learn some important life principles through old stories and new insights.
This book includes the original text, as well as, the new content "20 Powerful Ways to Leverage and Gain a Competitive Edge for Life Success".
You will find a new section on "Power to Leverage" at the end of each chapter. This section will summarize, analyze and conclude with key points on life lessons and business tips. You will learn how to create your meaningful life path, in order to reach your fullest potential with lots of money making opportunities.
You will also find open and honest insights on how to:
-- discover WHO you are and HOW TO be the best of you
-- build your inner wealth based on WHAT you think, HOW you speak, and WHAT you do
-- create the best outcome in every situation with WHAT you do and practice every day
-- achieve SUCCESS with WHOM you choose to associate with and build relationship over time
-- gain a competitive edge over your peers to succeed in whatever you choose to do in life
Read this book today to create your TIME and MONEY freedom!

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