Since 1990, Quentin has studied Nicholas Black Elk’s Great Vision of the nation’s hoop and the flowering tree. From 1998 through 2004, he lectured at the College of DuPage, Illinois, presenting a study of Wovoka’s Ghost Dance and Black Elk’s Great Vision through a three-hour accredited course in Social Science called Native Americans and their Mystic Visions. He has also lectured at several colleges and universities throughout Illinois with respect to Black Elk’s vision and the Lakota spiritual way of life.
In 1872 on the plains of Montana, a nine-year old Lakota boy named Black Elk embarked on a journey to the spirit world where six Grandfathers (spirits), recognized at the powers of the world, showed him four ascents described as generations and revealed to him the fate of humanity.
People around the world have wondered what dancing horses of every color represent and who is the blue man, and why is he blue? Why did the six Grandfathers use the term ascents rather than generations? Why did butterflies of every color swarm around Black Elk?
Mystic Visions: Black Elk’s Great Vision Clarified answers these questions and more and unlocks the message of Black Elk’s great vision of the sacred hoop and flowering tree.
Join author Quentin H. Young on his personal journey on the Red Road and to enlightenment. Young shares his revelations about Black Elk’s visions and the impact they have on our world in this illuminating narrative that feels like a night around a campfire with an old friend