The Gorilla Hunters
Adventure Novel: A Tale of the Wilds of Africa
R. M. Ballantyne
- The
- Gorilla
- Hunters:
- A
- Tale
- of
- the
- Wilds
- of
- Africa
- follows
- the
- adventure
- of
- three
- young
- men
- in
- "darkest
- Africa."
- Ralph
- Rover
- is
- living
- on
- his
- father's
- inheritance
- on
- England's
- west
- coast
- and
- occupying
- himself
- as
- a
- naturalist.
- He
- gets
- visited
- by
- his
- old
- friend
- Peterkin
- Gay,
- whose
- "weather-beaten
- though
- ruddy
- countenance"
- he
- does
- not
- recognize.
- Peterkin
- has
- hunted
- and
- killed
- every
- animal
- on
- Earth
- except
- for
- the
- gorilla
- and
- now
- comes
- to
- Ralph
- to
- entice
- him
- on
- a
- new
- adventure.
- The
- two
- are
- joined
- by
- the
- third
- friend,
- Jack
- Martin,
- and
- they
- leave
- for Africa.
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