The Night Dahlia
Reeks: Nightwise
R. S. Belcher
- Laytham
- Ballard
- once
- protected
- humanity
- as
- part
- of
- the
- Nightwise,
- a
- secret
- order
- of
- modern-day
- mages
- dedicating
- to
- holding
- hellish
- supernatural
- forces
- at
- bay,
- but
- that
- was
- before
- a
- string
- of
- sadistic
- ritual
- murders
- shook
- everything
- he
- believed
- in—and
- sent
- him
- down
- a
- much
- darker
- path.
- One
- that
- has
- already
- cost
- him
- most
- of
- his
- soul,
- as
- well
- as
- everything
- he
- once
- held
- dear.Now
- a
- powerful
- faerie
- mob
- boss
- has
- hired
- Ballard
- to
- find
- his
- lost-lost
- daughter,
- who
- went
- missing
- several
- years
- ago.
- The
- long-cold
- trail
- leads
- him
- across
- the
- globe,
- from
- the
- luxurious
- playgrounds
- of
- the
- rich
- and
- famous
- to
- the
- seedy
- occult
- underbelly
- of
- Los
- Angeles,
- where
- creatures
- of
- myth
- and
- legend
- mingle
- with
- street
- gangs
- and
- sex
- clubs,
- and
- where
- Ballard
- finds
- his
- own
- guilty
- past
- waiting
- for
- him
- around
- every
- shadowy
- corner.
- To
- find
- Caern
- Ankou,
- he
- will
- have
- to
- confront
- old
- enemies,
- former
- friends
- and
- allies,
- and
- a
- grisly
- cold
- case
- that
- has
- haunted
- him
- for
- years.But
- is
- Caern
- still
- alive?
- And,
- perhaps
- more
- importantly,
- does
- she
- even
- want
- to
- be
- found?At
- the
- Publisher's
- request,
- this
- title
- is
- being
- sold
- without
- Digital
- Rights
- Management
- Software
- (DRM) applied.
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