In the 10 years since the advent of the 21st. century, what was supposed to go away had remained. Bigfoot, Sasquatch, or Yeti sightings had not decreased, but were still being reported at an ever-increasing rate. Today, with everyone having cameras on their phones, the digital pictures, though of poor quality, had continued to plague the press and investigators.
The same was true of the U.F.O. phenomenon which was even older and researched more in the nineteen sixties by more credible investigators; the U.S. Government with Project Blue Book was supposed to come to some kind of conclusion of this age-old malady.
Many new concepts and theories are emerging as to the connectivity between these two phenomena and others, and an overall feeling has developed among many researchers that in some Parallel-Universe way, they are all connected!
I find it somewhat amusing that any academically trained scientist, whether it is in Zoology, Biology, Astronomy or Physics is immediately stymied by his colleagues when at some juncture he wavers from the accepted "norm", in evaluating and theorizing an incident which defies known "laws", and wanders into the metaphysical or paranormal climes to postulate his interpretation.
The following is a fictional account about an encounter with unknown entities in Oregon State, Mount Hood to be exact. The characters are fictional and the story line mine. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. This also applies to locations and incidents.
I would also like to inform you that the material contained herein may be vulgar and offensive at times. This happens when three men, go out to find and hunt down, with much apprehension, what they locally and jovially refer to as a SQUATCH.