Her Brilliant Career
Ten Extraordinary Women of the Fifties
Rachel Cooke
- In
- her
- apron
- and
- rubber
- gloves,
- a
- smile
- lipsticked
- permanently
- across
- her
- face,
- the
- woman
- of
- the
- Fifties
- has
- become
- a
- cultural
- symbol
- of
- all
- that
- we
- are
- most
- grateful
- to
- have
- sloughed
- off.
- A
- homely
- compliant
- creature,
- she
- knows
- little
- or
- nothing
- of
- sex,
- and
- stands
- no
- chance
- at
- all
- of
- having
- a
- career.
- She
- must
- marry
- or
- die.But
- what
- if
- there
- was
- another
- side
- to
- the
- story?In
- this
- book
- Rachel
- Cooke
- tells
- the
- story
- of
- ten
- extraordinary
- women
- whose
- pioneering
- professional
- lives
- -
- and
- complicated
- private
- lives
- -
- paved
- the
- way
- for
- future
- generations.
- Muriel
- Box,
- film
- director.
- Betty
- Box,
- film
- producer.
- Margery
- Fish,
- plantswoman.
- Patience
- Gray,
- cook.
- Alison
- Smithson,
- architect.
- Sheila
- van
- Damm,
- rally
- car
- driver
- and
- theatre
- owner.
- Nancy
- Spain,
- journalist
- and
- radio
- personality.
- Joan
- Werner
- Laurie,
- editor.
- Jacquetta
- Hawkes,
- archaeologist.
- Rose
- Heilbron,
- QC.Plucky
- and
- ambitious,
- they
- left
- the
- house,
- discovered
- the
- bliss
- of
- work,
- and
- ushered
- in
- the
- era
- of
- the
- working woman.
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