When Alexander Bishop asked Maximilian Blackstone to leave her home, he shuttled his glances on her. He took in her eyes, her mouth, her breasts, her legs, as if he could penetrate her body and carry her soul with him.
The dark and seductive Maximilian Blackstone's love for Alexander Bishop takes second place to his insatiable appetite for control and sex. Alex loves Max but his arrogance, coldness, and sexual manipulations are pushing her into the arms of billionaire Charles St. John.
Charles St. John appears to be a more desirable companion for Alex than Maximilian. Charles is everything Max is not. However, Charles has his own motives for asking Alex to marry him and he will stop at nothing to convince Alex that she should become his wife.
Detective Blake Scotto with his boyish charm and steely determination feels he is out-classed with two billionaires competing for the love of Alex, nevertheless, he is willing to remain in the picture vying for her affection and possible hand in marriage.
The answers to who killed Blackstone's fiancé, the revelation of who is Alex's mother, and to whom Alex will marry will be disclosed in this final chapter of this Blackstone series.