Song of Stars
Rae D. Magdon
- Sefina,
- a
- young
- orphan,
- studies
- music
- at
- the
- Temple
- of
- Dreams.
- She
- loves
- to
- sing
- with
- her
- best
- friend
- Mirae,
- but
- their
- voices
- aren’t
- the
- same.
- Mirae’s
- voice
- heals
- the
- sick
- while
- Sefina’s
- is
- ordinary.
- Unable
- to
- compete
- with
- Mirae’s
- miracles,
- Sefina
- longs
- for
- acknowledgment
- from
- Lady
- Lirath,
- their
- demanding
- music
- instructor.
- When
- their
- temple’s
- leader
- dies,
- Sefina
- must
- compete
- with
- Mirae
- for
- the
- position—not
- only
- against
- a
- miracle-worker,
- but
- the
- woman
- she loves.
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