Essays on Harvesting of Ocean Energy by Sensor Networks


The SAARC region with over a billion population is contiguous to the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. Utilization of ocean resources for power generation such as tidal, thermal solar and wind for energy, along with other green technologies like seaweed farming and sustainable fisheries for food would need to be incorporated in a broad framework for the region. Development of ocean-based energy systems can be integrated with early warning networks linked by satellite which can give a few hours to days warning to help mitigate the severity of natural disasters on human life. . Some of the calamities of note have been the Tsunami of 2004, Bangladesh and Orissa floods, earthquakes in Nepal and Pakistan, and recent inundation of Chennai due to weather and bad flood management. A SAARC comprehensive Framework on disaster management was formulated in alignment with the Hyogo Framework (2005-2015). In addition to the broad objectives of disaster management and cooperation in the Indian Ocean and surrounding regions, impeding disasters due to climate change need to be anticipate Ocean energy systems are still in their infancy, while ocean farming technology has been developed and is immediately applicable.

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