Intercourse with Life


The message is crucial, the bio is unimportant.
Isn’t there something I can do or someone I can believe, to get my life off the rocks?

You’ve wondered why progress in your life has crunched to a halt.
You ponder why you are here? What is the purpose?

You need intercourse with Life! Otherwise, your ability to succeed is given to chance.
And, be ready, because Life’s responsiveness exceeds an accelerator pedal of a Porsche, – or, the questions keep on mounting.

You teeter on despair and depression. Neglect and decline are in tow.
You have followed some ideas and you are still here, – looking.
Hope was a disappointing experience.
You have relied on yourself and when that didn’t produce the desired results, relied on others. By now you excel in blaming anything.
Radical changes have made no difference. You are stuck.
Slipping, falling, crashing, hurting, crying, bending, breaking.

Despite whatever we do, one phenomenon is always present.
Yes, Life!
I am not talking about God, angels, spirits etc.

A constant companion and the only trustworthy guidance system that is free and ready for our use.
Noninvasive. Unpretentious. Supra knowledgeable. Ready for intercourse with you in a flash.

Life says, your shadow might be invincible, but you can move with the light.

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