Broodmare's Last Chance

Kepler Station Romance, #2.5

Reeks: Kepler Station Romance


Time is running out for Caterina. She's been living in the lap of luxury as an Aquilae Broodmare for five lustful aliens. Her every whim is catered to, every need is met. Her brood treats her like a queen. But that comes to an end at midnight tonight, unless she can produce a viable embryo. If not, she'll be thrown from paradise, back to her old job as a blight removal sales technician, junior grade.

Desperate to stay in paradise, Caterina will try anything and anyone to keep her lifestyle. Her ivory tower provides her a view of Vespin Plaza, where hundreds of lustful Aquilae gather, and desperate, free use Broodmares like her can have one last chance at staying in the lap of luxury. But it won't come to that… will it?

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