This is the true-life story of a violent young man who lived mostly for himself. He lived in pursuit of money and pleasure, by whatever means, uncaring of the consequences and who he hurt on his destructive and selfish path. That was until the day he led a gang that went on a rampage and murdered, raped and robbed with aggravating assault on their victims. And so, at the age of twenty-three he stood before a judge who said, “Give me one reason why I must not kill you.” Being arrogant and totally unrepentant of his actions, he told the judge, “I’ve never begged in my life and I am not going to start now. You can’t kill people who kill people to show that killing is wrong.” The judge sentenced him to death and thirty-eight years.
He was locked up and forgotten in a condemned cell but not before they measured his neck, height and weight in preparation for the hang man.
His dreams of a future were shattered and he found himself lonely and desperate. Then a new experience, a new power filled his being as he turned to Christ after eighteen years in prison.
It is now his desire to share some of his experiences and help others to recognise the way to victory. He wants to influence the world to love Christ and to serve Him successfully.
We rise to the challenges set before us. It may appear that we have been knocked down, but we are not knocked out. We are destined to conquer.