Statistical Methods for Fuzzy Data
Reeks: Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics
Reinhard Viertl
- Statistical
- data
- are
- not
- always
- precise
- numbers,
- or
- vectors,
- or
- categories.
- Real
- data
- are
- frequently
- what
- is
- called
- fuzzy.
- Examples
- where
- this
- fuzziness
- is
- obvious
- are
- quality
- of
- life
- data,
- environmental,
- biological,
- medical,
- sociological
- and
- economics
- data.
- Also
- the
- results
- of
- measurements
- can
- be
- best
- described
- by
- using
- fuzzy
- numbers
- and
- fuzzy
- vectors
- respectively.Statistical
- analysis
- methods
- have
- to
- be
- adapted
- for
- the
- analysis
- of
- fuzzy
- data.
- In
- this
- book,
- the
- foundations
- of
- the
- description
- of
- fuzzy
- data
- are
- explained,
- including
- methods
- on
- how
- to
- obtain
- the
- characterizing
- function
- of
- fuzzy
- measurement
- results.
- Furthermore,
- statistical
- methods
- are
- then
- generalized
- to
- the
- analysis
- of
- fuzzy
- data
- and
- fuzzy
- a-priori
- information.Key
- Features:This
- work
- is
- aimed
- at
- statisticians
- working
- with
- fuzzy
- logic,
- engineering
- statisticians,
- finance
- researchers,
- and
- environmental
- statisticians.
- It
- is
- written
- for
- readers
- who
- are
- familiar
- with
- elementary
- stochastic
- models
- and
- basic
- statistical methods.