The hero was a man named Whittaker, his three companions being Elsa, Gregor, and Ben, a dog. They were being hunted by the Skull Cult, a mysterious organization that sought to capture and enslave them. However, with his magical abilities, Whittaker managed to use his mind control powers to manipulate his pursuers into abandoning the hunt. After that, the four companions made their way towards the town where Elsa was supposed to live, hoping to find shelter there.
Now, faced with the prospect of confronting the Skull Cult and fighting for their survival, Whittaker knew he couldn't fail. Not after everything he had already accomplished. He would have to keep on fighting, even when he wanted nothing more than to give up. And with his companions by his side, he was confident they could defeat the cult once and for all.
Whittaker's journey to save Elsa and his companions had only just begun. As he and the others traveled down the road, Whittaker couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding... could he save his beautiful witch and protect his other two companions from the dangers that awaited them in the village ahead? He had no idea what would happen next, but he did know one thing: he'd do whatever it took to make sure the others survived. He owed it to them.