Maggie's Awakening
Richard J Lloyd
- Maggie
- a
- fifty-four-year-old
- divorcee
- was
- a
- very
- contented
- woman
- who
- owns
- and
- runs
- a
- small
- holding
- in
- the
- northwest
- of
- England.
- An
- accident
- in
- her
- kitchen
- changes
- her
- life
- in
- ways
- she
- wouldn't
- have
- expected.Going
- to
- the
- nearest
- city
- she
- takes
- on
- a
- young
- homeless
- young
- man
- whom
- had
- just
- gone
- through
- some
- bad
- luck.
- Taking
- him
- home
- she
- teaches
- him
- about
- the
- products
- she
- supplies
- to
- local
- villages
- and
- people
- in
- the
- surrounding
- area.From
- contented
- middle-aged
- woman,
- she
- becomes
- a
- vamp
- behind
- closed doors.
pro-mbooks3 : libris