Flu experts agree -- a severe pandemic is just a matter of time.
*** NOTE: This is an all-original, all-unique work. The Table of Contents is fully linked. ***
But there are many other ways to protect yourself and your family. They are cheap and widely available. Everybody can take steps to protect themselves and their families.
The nightmare is another 1918-style flu that is both highly contagious and highly lethal. It could kill tens of millions of people around the globe.
Ordinary, seasonal flu kills from 20,000 to 40,000 Americans per year, and an unknown number of people in other countries.
Swine flu has already mutated into forms resistant to both vaccines and Tamiflu.
BEAT THE FLU is a comprehensive guide to build your immune system to prevent and, if necessary, treat the flu.
BEAT THE FLU explains the proprietary 7 Perimeter Defense System and the Super Immunity Seven.
Praise for BEAT THE FLU:
"This is a TON of information that can literally save lives. The solutions you give are simple and easy to implement.
"Whatever price you pay for this book is going to be well worth it. After all...what price can you put on your life and the lives of your family?" -- Enigma Valdez
"The 7-Perimeter Immune Defense System is a comprehensive immunity-boosting plan. When followed correctly, it will literally build an internal fortress of protection against the bird flu. This system will save lives!
"I have seen books selling at twice the price that don't even have half the information."
-- Clint Fountain
"I have studied alternative health for many years... and still I found many nuggets of smart advice I hadn't thought of, forgotten, or flat out didn't know before I went through your flu book. Well done!" -- Jim Van Wyck
"Brings the facts to us in a clear, well-written style.
"You provide in-depth biological explanations using easily understood everyday words. Your ability to communicate complex concepts in ordinary language is phenomenal.
"I am very, very impressed." -- Dot Pecson